Business and Workplace Etiquette

Unless you sell a product or provide a service that no one else does, you are in a competition. While quality is of extreme importance, it is not necessarily the determining factor why clients will choose you or come back to you.

People do business with people.

Create rapport, build trust, show respect and do not leave anything to chance. Business etiquette gears you up with nothing else but essential tools to give you that extra charm and confidence when establishing long term and successful business relationships.

The atmosphere at the workplace impacts not only our results but also our well-being, attitude, and mental health. Each of us plays a vital role in creating a positive space at work. Etiquette provides essential tools for navigating various situations, some not so pleasant, to ensure we stay professional and avoid unnecessary conflict.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

Your ability to get along with people, to exhibit good manners, to project an impressive image, and to make others feel comfortable are key components of your success. B. Pachter

  • Name tags

  • Where best to meet people

  • Remembering names

  • Managing challenging situations

  • What to talk about

  • Entering groups and leaving the conversation

and more


  • General table rules of eating politely

  • Correct way of holding cutlery and glassware

  • Napkin etiquette

  • Cutlery placement when pausing, finished

  • Tricky food

and more

Business travel
  • Preparation

  • Expenses

  • High and low context cultures

  • Gifts

and more

  • Where to sit best

  • How to interact

  • Effective communication

  • Agenda

and more

Digital etiquette
  • How to write an email

  • When not to send an email

  • Out of office

  • Media accounts

  • Conference calls

and more

Hosting clients
  • Invitation

  • Seating precedence

  • Things to consider

  • Payment and tipping

  • Guest's duties

  • Finger foods

and more

Self presentation
  • Body language

  • Dress considerations

  • First impression

  • Business cards

  • Things to avoid

and more

Confident communication
  • Eye contact and body language

  • Know your audience

  • Safe and taboo topics

  • Conversational criminals

  • Gossip

and more

  • Preparation

  • Behaviour during the interview

  • Informal interview

  • Follow-up

and more